Archives for February 2010

Vampires – Are they really monsters?

Vampires - Do we really see them as monsters? Vampires always fascinated us, it is an undeniable fact. And after the frenzy that the Twilight Saga has created, do you still wonder why? It's not so hard to guess. First of all, vampires are the only pretty monsters, don't we all agree. It's kind of hard to find an interest in fur-covered or rotten or simply rotten creatures (although werewolves have stepped up a notch lately and I am a big … [Read more...]

My Twilight Facination with the Macabre

“About three things I was absolutely positive….first Edward was a Vampire, second there was a part of him, and I don’t know how dominant that part might me which thirsted for my blood…..and third, I was unconditionally and irrevocably in love with him” These were the sentences capturing my mind after I turned the last page of the novel. It was unbelievable that the novel was finished and I was still mesmerized in the magical world of the story … [Read more...]

Twilight Volturi Vampires and Bramstocker’s Dracula

The Hunger for Blood Why does the idea of a vampire sucking one's blood so offend our sensibilities? Extreme hunger in the past has forced people into committing canabalism. We, as humans, are carnivorous and eat other species. Still, when vampires are portrayed, the innate horror is felt by humans just observing it, as in a movie. One has to go further into the motivations of the creatures to come closer to understanding their aberrant … [Read more...]

Quileute Vampire or Not

High school isn’t that every kids dream? Eww not even for a witch. Yeah I just said the word witch. That’s because I am one. yep that’s right Bonnie the witch fantastic isn’t it? I know you don’t believe in vampires, werewolf’s, and witches but to tell you the truth that’s all real. So to get on with the story let me tell you something witches are never supposed to do. Witches and vampires can never fall in love ever well……that’s what I did. I … [Read more...]