Archives for 2011

Edward Cullen is an Apotamkin

Edward Cullen is not a Navajo Skin-walker For those who have seen the movie "Twilight" or read the Twilight Series books, by Stephanie Meyer, you are familiar with the teenage vampire Edward and his vegetarian vampire family. In the books and the movie, the Quileute Indians that are natives to Forks refer to Edward as an "Apotamkin". According to the Quileute legends and history in the movie and books, the Apotamkin are devilish creatures who … [Read more...]

Jacob Black’s Story of the “Cold Ones”

The story takes place in La Push, a town roughly 20 miles out of the town of Forks, Washington and is located on the Pacific coast near the Quileute Indian Reservation. Legends of the tribe date back before records were officially kept. The stories were passed down from generation to the next, the Quileute Legends were told and retold and have remained a vital part of the Quileute's heritage. Let me share one of these tales with you. Long ago, … [Read more...]

Twilight’s “The Cold Ones” Be Affraid

The Cold Ones The popular Twilight series is based on the legend of the Cold Ones. Commonly referred to as vampires, the Cold Ones, are mythological creatures that have existed, and been historically noted, throughout history in all parts of the world. Cold Ones are Nomads Because they are nomads, it is rare for the Cold Ones to travel in covens larger than two: a male and female pair. This is because the more members that exists in a coven, … [Read more...]

List of Twilight Characters

Main Characters in the "Twilight" Book Series Stephanie Meyer's "Twilight" is the first in a long line of books of romance novels whose target audience is young adults who enjoy a little bit of vampire with their displays of affection. The book was the number one selling book in 2008, and it introduces readers to wide array of characters that are both personable and engaging. Isabella Swan, also known as "Bella," is the 17-year old main … [Read more...]

Twilight Saga Leads to Forks, Washington

Twilight is the first of a series of fantasy/romance films based on the novels written by Stephanie Meyer about a teenage girl named Bella, played Kristen Stewart, who moves from Phoenix Arizona to live with her father in Forks, Washington. Life is boring in Forks, Until one day Bella has her life saved by a ridiculously attractive boy, Named Edward, played by Robert Pattinson. Right from their first meeting, Bella is completely enamored with … [Read more...]